Our Vision


          In today’s society, this generation has grown to become more and more infatuated with the “looks of a model.” They want to look like the latest and greatest high fashion model out there and will do whatever it takes to get that look and most of all, that "attention." However, we have 2 major problems: 1) The continuation of arguments in, "what the right size and shape of a model should be," yet, people are still trying to starve or purge themselves to death in order to "feel" accepted. 2) The naïve belief that a model is to show as much skin as possible, if not go out completely nude.

           NL’s vision is to be able to not only show, but give the youth a chance to learn a positive way to get into the modeling/ entertainment industry without falling for a scam or an indecent proposal. We will mentor and develop them to be great ROLE MODELS and allow them to see the world from a different perspective.  Therefore, in doing so, Ngo Limit’s “Class of Class,” enables them to learn and understand the true value of respect and the definition of confidence, humbleness, and compassion. One of Ngo Limit’s favorite slogans that are taught to the students is, Do not want to be popular, for a negative reason.”

          With the determination, dedication and ongoing creative process of Ngo Limit Inc's and their staff, it is inevitable that their will be some major changes in the fashion world, which will in time, change the definition of what a model is suppose to look like. NL will work overtime to see our 2 main problems get some relief and resolution which includes: 1) To help reduce the growing percentage of deaths and illnesses related to eating disorders by promoting healthy living habits. 2) To gain enough respect in the industry so that models want and choose to be known for their “Classy” styles and images, versus, “trashy” reputations that will remain with them forever and could hinder them from future opportunities in life.

Our Mission


Ngo Limit Inc, “Class of Class,” provides an environment that allows the youth ("Young America") to focus their creativity towards something positive that will help enhance their current and future way of thinking, as well as, become a productive and active member within their own communities. Students from Ngo Limit, “Class of Class,” have grown to become more confident, humble and compassionate and most importantly, they have learned the true meaning of “Respect,” not only for themselves and about themselves, but for others abroad.